Monday, September 19, 2011

I will remind you about *THIS* when your sixteen!

"Can we get out of this place, it's to loud!" Ha! " I don't like this store at ALL!" Me either! HA! Well the next time she wants to go to Abercombie and Fitch willingly I will remind her of this shopping trip. Both Jack and Georgia wanted to get out of this place. Oh, how things will change in just a few short years. I had a wild hair to check this place out ( I had a coupon) still to much for me. Come on Abercombie for Kids! REALLY! It's not for kids it's for the parents! Parents who need to get over themselves. Oh, well I'm sure I'll be there with Jack in five years!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Back to school!

I couldn't be more happy to have my kids back in school! We have had a very fun and busy summer but....... the gameboy needs to be put down, Sponge Bob needs to be turned off. I'm so OVER the mom, mommy mom! Mamma needs a break! So, Georgia goes to Preschool M-TH from 12:30- 3:30 and Evan will nap from 1:00- 3:00!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will have ME time again!! Three hours to clear my head!!! AHHHHHH!