Monday, June 30, 2014

It' Summertime!

I'm torn when it's summer. I love the weather I love not making lunches and getting out of the house before 8:00am but, now it's all about what the heck to do to keep everyone busy and happy. For the most part I make sure they entertain themselves because I'm not here to make their life and summer vacation special. We have fun and special times to the beach and day trips and even trips to the cottage. But day to day stuff they can play and play and play. There is more than enough stuff to keep them busy if they don't, I have ton of house work they can help with. Summer time is not just about the kids, I have stuff to do to. HA! So far we have been having a great summer filled with swimming and playing and jumping on the trampoline and hours of outside fun with the neighborhood kids.

Summer Bucket list of things we want to do this summer.
                         Up at the cottage with all our cousins
of course putting up our little pool!
                                         Lemonade Stand and cookies!
 "sword" fight on the trampoline

Racing Hot Wheels down the slide
another fun way to keep busy!
Children's Museum

                                                  Silly Girl!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Some Christmas! ( I know I'm a bit late on this Ha! )

Santa was here

Cookies and milk. next year, wine and cheese!

Can't wait to open their stockings

She wanted this hat so bad. I think it's called a flipeeze

Xbox! He wasn't expecting this! It wasn't even on his list

American Girl! It's ALL she asked Santa for!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Oh Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree

This is the third year that we got a fresh Christmas tree. We have been thinking about taking the kids to a tree farm to cut one down but, really that just seems like a lot of work. LOL! So, we find a little lot in town and let the kids help pick it out. It all works out. Maybe next year will try the whole farm thing. We let the tree stand for a day and then let the kid decorate it. I love doing this, the kids always have fun. I have to rearrange everything when they go to bed because they are all in the same area and nothing on the top or the sides. I'm sure my mom did the same thing.

On the weekend we had a few cousins over for cookie decorating and lunch that's alway a fun mess, but every year gets better and better.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

My Babies!

I took the kids to get their pictures done for holiday cards and because poor Evan hasn't had his picture taken since he was 2 years old! ( poor third child ) I think they turned out great!

Monday, November 25, 2013

4 years old!

Evan is turns 4 years old today! WOW! It just seems so old! Evan is so funny he loves being around his brother and sister wants to do ANYTHING they are doing. The sun rises and sets on Jack and "his Brudder" is his favorite.

Evan likes to play on the Wii. Loves to play Just Dance LOL he loves dancing.

Evan is into everything to do with the Minions. We had a birthday party this weekend with a few of his friends and had a blast. Steven and I made a Minion cake and I think we did a pretty good job. We got Evan a bike with training wheels and a Wii game that he wanted. The bike was all he talked about since riding it at Toys R Us a few week ago.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Back to School and other things

    Kids are off and about 4 weeks into school year 2013-14 so far so good. Both kids are taking the bus this year. that is new for us but I'm liking it. I don't have deal with that parking lot at school.

I've been keeping busy hanging with Evan. Evan is my buddy, we are running errands and going up to school. I love this age. He looks so much like Jack it's crazy! I have also been doing some crafty stuff around the house. (I'll post that later)